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To prepare for the PSPO-II certification exam, candidates are encouraged to attend Scrum training courses and workshops, and to gain practical experience in product ownership. They should also be familiar with the Scrum Guide and other relevant Scrum resources. The PSPO-II Certification Exam is a challenging exam, and candidates should be prepared to dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to prepare for it.
The current product is making a profit; however, the Sale Manager advises James, a Product Owner, to reduce the price to attract more customers. The Financial Director argues that this may harm the company revenue.
What are the reliable sources that help Jame decide the product's pricing strategy? (choose the best two answers).
Answer: A,B
As a Product Owner, understanding the Developers's velocity will help you measure time to market and innovation rate.
How does technical debt relate to velocity? (choose the best two answers)
Answer: A,D
Your organization wants to become better at responding to market changes and new opportunities that may arise.
Which measure is LEAST helpful in understanding how to improve its ability to respond? (choose the best answer)
Answer: E
You work for a large financial institution. Your products have many interdependencies: you have mobile, web, and ATM product interfaces to financial products like savings, checking, spending, electronic payments, credit cards, and investments. When any of these financial products change, the changes ripple throughout the mobile, web, and ATM clients, and maintaining consistency is challenging. What should you do to reduce this problem?
(choose the best answer)
Answer: E
A is correct because forming products that are as independent as possible reduces the complexity and dependency of the product development, and allows each product to deliver value faster and more frequently1. Coordination among the products is still necessary to ensure alignment and consistency, but it should not be centralized or imposed by a higher authority2. B is incorrect because creating a centralized, coordinated cross-product Development Plan goes against the principles of empiricism, self-organization, and agility that Scrum promotes3. C is incorrect because appointing a Project Lead to oversee all the products undermines the accountability and autonomy of the Product Owners and the Scrum Teams4. D is incorrect because ensuring that the PMO manages the inter-product dependencies creates a layer of bureaucracy and control that hinders the collaboration and innovation of the Scrum Teams5. E is incorrect because it includes all the wrong answers.
Managing a Product Backlog involves which of the following activities?
(choose all that apply)
Answer: B,C,D,E
Product Backlog involves the following activities12:
Reducing or eliminating dependencies between Product Backlog items. This helps to increase the flexibility and adaptability of the Product Backlog, and enables the Developers to select the most valuable and feasible items to work on in each Sprint3.
Reviewing the Product Backlog with stakeholders. This helps to ensure that the Product Backlog reflects the needs and expectations of the customers and users, and that the Product Owner receives feedback and input from various perspectives4.
Breaking large Product Backlog items into multiple smaller Product Backlog items. This helps to create a more granular and transparent Product Backlog, and allows the Product Owner to prioritize and refine the items more effectively5.
Ordering the Product Backlog. This helps to communicate the relative importance and urgency of the Product Backlog items, and guides the Developers to select the most valuable items for the next Sprint.
Forecasting the effort of Product Backlog items is not an activity that is explicitly required for managing a Product Backlog. The Product Owner is mainly responsible for maximizing the value of the product, not the effort or cost of development. The effort of Product Backlog items may be estimated by the Developers, but this is not a mandatory practice and it does not affect the ordering of the Product Backlog. Reference: 1: Product Backlog Management, 2: Managing Products with Agility, 3: Reducing Dependencies, 4: Reviewing the Product Backlog, 5: Breaking Down Product Backlog Items, : Ordering the Product Backlog, : The Product Owner, : Estimating Product Backlog Items
The Actual4Labs is committed from the first day to help students ace the Scrum PSPO-II exam at any cost. These formats are Scrum PSPO-II PDF questions file, desktop practice test software, and web-based practice test software. All these three Actual4Labs PSPO-II Exam Questions formats are designed to help applicants ace the Scrum PSPO-II exam preparation and enable the candidates to crack the final Scrum PSPO-II exam easily.
Simulated PSPO-II Test: https://www.actual4labs.com/Scrum/PSPO-II-actual-exam-dumps.html
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